As you have already figured, this is a very interesting blog about high technology in the retail industry. I developed this blog as a research source.
Like some kind of digital scout for my company, writing a blog on these topics I realized this way of communicating very attractive for spreading new technologies and expanding frontiers of the digital world.
Beside I developed and started this blog, I’m also blog chief editor. Still, my idea isn’t to use this part of Internet space for a self playground. On the contrary, I want to invite everyone who has something to say about new technologies in the retail industry, partners, colleagues, scientists, engineers, common people… everyone, to participate in this project and use this blog as a piece of paper to present something new and useful to a worldwide auditorium.
You may participate in this blog as an article’s author, an active subscriber with useful comments on the articles, an experienced consultant, someone who wants to present interesting solutions, devices, etc. Certainly, your initiative to help this blog must be on a voluntary basis.
No matter on which way your participate in this blog, or you are just a visitor, you should follow this basic blog rules:
- Please, be polite. Respect other visitors and commentators and don’t insult them in any way.
- It is strictly forbidden to express any sexual, religious, racial, national, political, and status intolerance, and to argue about them.
- It is not allowed to publish any propaganda messages or materials if they are related to the previous point of the rules of conduct.
- All posts on this blog are the property of the author. They may not be copied or quoted as a whole or any part of them without the explicit permission of the author himself. In that sense, only the author is morally and materially responsible for all publications.
If you have any doubts, suggestion or comments regarding this text, don’t hesitate to inform us using our contact form.
Sincerely yours,
Radoje Đurović,
How to write and publish your own article?
For writing your own article, just click on the Blog option on the main menu. The first selection is to Write a post. Choose this option and start writing your own article.
Start with the title of the article. The next field is the body text. You may use all the needed tools for editing your text. Also, you may add multimedia content to your article (picture, video, audio, etc.) YouTube link, PDF file… After you finish your text, choose a category, and attach couple tags (keywords) to your article. If you want, you may attach some featured image and submit your article.
The editor will check your article and published it if everything correct.
If you have any doubts or comments, do not hesitate to contact us immediately.
Enjoy on Retail in Future Blog!